Engraved House Signs

Engraved House Signs Should Be Placed With Care
Engraved house signs are an important part of many homes. If you’re trying to highlight your house name or number and wish to do it in an elegant manner that can be easily seen, you’ll likely consider a bespoke house sign. One of your key decisions, however, is where it will be placed.
Location can be everything. Before you even think about buying a house sign, you need to decide where it’s going to go. This can seem obvious but, when you think about it, the sign you buy depends entirely on where it’s going to be located. Slate house signs are excellent additions to any household, but there’s no point purchasing one that can’t be read from the end of the driveway. This is why bulk manufactured signs often fall short of those supplied by dedicated specialist sign makers. So, when you’re thinking about where to place a sign on your property, you’ve got a few key indicators to consider. Can it be seen from where it needs to be seen? If you’ve got a long driveway or the sign is placed in a strange position, it may not be noticed by those you need to see it. In addition, engraved slate house signs can be customised in terms of their shape, size and font style. All these can make a difference to how visible your sign is in any given location. You’ll also have to give thought to whether the colour of sign you prefer will be legible against the colour of your home.
County House Signs are the UK’s premier supplier of bespoke engraved house signs. Whether you’re looking for a large slate sign or a smaller granite one, we have signs to suit all requirements. You can look at our range online now at https://www.countyhousesigns.co.uk or call 01206 398184 to learn more.