Home Address Signs

Home Address Signs Available With Borders
Home address signs are popular with home and business owners across the UK and beyond. The options really are numerous when it comes to customising your sign, and one of the design decisions you’ll have to make is whether you want a border to surround your numbering or lettering.
Borders on house signs UK wide are very much a matter of personal taste. Some people think that borders are the ideal way to finish off a sign design, while others find them constricting. If you do want a border on your sign, though, you’ll have the choice of plain or scalloped borders. Again, which you choose will mainly be down to personal preference. Some homeowners like the definitive lines of a plain border while others prefer the elegance of scalloped borders. When you’re considering whether you want a border, you should think of the sign as a whole. This means thinking of the size, shape, font, infill and fixing style along with the type and shade of material used. Normally, people already have strong ideas about what type of sign they want, and a set opinion on a border may be one of these. However, if you choose a company that provides artwork proofs you will gain a better idea of whether a border would be suitable for your purposes. Ultimately, you goal should be to design a sign that is going to suit your home, and which you can hand over to a professional in working with granite or slate house signs to complete.
At County House Signs, we supply home address signs with or without borders. We know that all our customers have different requirements so we’ll listen and provide artwork proofs you can approve before we even start work. To contact us for information, use our website at https://www.countyhousesigns.co.uk or call 01206 398184.